ICI Journals Master List 2022: 80.85
Acceptance of applications and texts for the symposium
"Wissenschaft und Bildung als Basis für die Modernisierung der Weltordnung /
Science and education as the basis for the modernization of the world order ‘2024"
is running/extended until December 30
To submit you need:
Download APPLICATION (doc or xls). Fill in Word or Excel format convenient for you
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Download TEMPLATE. Write an chapter using this template.
Send application file (regis-sge.xls или regis-sge.doc) and theses file (text-sge.doc):
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Cost and Further information on the issue can be found in the Information Booklet.
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ICI Journals Master List 2022: 80.85
Submission to the new collective monograph "Science and education as the basis for the modernization of the world order ‘2024"
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