
  • Iryna Kravchenko SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Nadiia Bohatko SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya" https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1566-1026
  • Larysa Bartkiv SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Olha Tymoshenko SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Yevhen Korzhov SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Taras Gut SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Anna Kurmash SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"
  • Viktoriya Dovbysh SE "Kyivovlstandartmetrologiya"




risk-oriented control, safety, quality, express methods, pork, beef, lamb, goat meat, poultry meat.


Тests were conducted to establish adulteration of meat of slaughter animals and poultry by processing them with solutions of formaldehyde, chlorine-containing substances, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, potassium permanganate. The probability of the devel


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, I., Bohatko, N., Bartkiv, L., Tymoshenko, O., Korzhov, Y., Gut, T., Kurmash, A., & Dovbysh, V. (2023). RISK-ORIENTED CONTROL OF THE SAFETY OF MEAT OF SLAUGHTER AND POULTRY DURING PRODUCTION AND CIRCULATION WHEN ADVERTISEMENT IS DETECTED. European Science, 4(sge17-04), 72–79. https://doi.org/10.30890/2709-2313.2023-17-04-020