


Ключові слова:

prediction, modeling, artificial neural networks with radial basis functions, marketing policy, performance indicators of the company.


The resulting performance of the enterprise significantly depends on the specificity of marketing policy, which is particularly important for sales-related businesses. Existing methods of enterprises activity modeling mostly based on statistics mathematic


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Як цитувати

Савка, Н., Васильків, Н., Дубчак, Л., & Мудрик, І. (2023). РАДІАЛЬНО-БАЗИСНІ НЕЙРОННІ МЕРЕЖІ ДЛЯ ПРОГНОЗУВАНЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ. European Science, 3(sge17-03), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.30890/2709-2313.2023-17-03-012