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Antonyuk, N. Vadim Kryshchenko: "The song touches the heart the fastest and most deeply" [Text] / N. Antonyuk // Slovo Prosvity. - 2010. - Part 24 (June 17-23). - P. 15. [ in Ukrainian].

Balabko, O. Higher mathematics of the song genre [Text] / O. Balabko // Literaturna Ukraina. - 2012. - February 16. - P. 15. [ in Ukrainian].

Boyko, V. Vadym Kryshchenko: Let at least one song fly over you... [Text] / V. Boyko // Literary Ukraine. - 2009. - April 16 - P. 8. [ in Ukrainian].

Volkova, G. Poet-songwriter Vadim Kryshchenko: "If someone told me to draw an image of Ukraine, I would draw it with Raisa Kyrychenko." On October 14, the defender of Ukrainian song, the People's Artist of Ukraine... Raisa Panasivna Kyrychenko would have turned 70 years old [Text] / G. Volkova // Evening Poltava. - 2013. - October 9. - P. 5. [ in Ukrainian].

Dvorskyi, P. About pop format [Text] / P. Dvorskyi // Day. - 2011. - February 16. - P. 7. [ in Ukrainian].

Isachenko, L. Bring autumn by the hand [Text]: a conversation with V. Kryshchenko about music and poetry, composers and performers / L. Isachenko // Government courier. - 2009. - August 8 - P. 13. [ in Ukrainian].

Kyrylyuk, V. The River of Life Flows [Text]: [about the work and publication of "Poetry" by V. Kryshchenko] / V. Kyrylyuk // Literaturna Ukraina. - 2005. - November 17. [ in Ukrainian].

Vadim Kryshchenko. Official site. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://kryshchenko.info/%d0%bd%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b8%d0%bd%d0%b8/. Application date: November 17, 2021. [ in Ukrainian].

Kryshchenko, V.D. Ukrainian soul. K.: Dnipro, 2009. 592 p. [ in Ukrainian].

Kryshchenko, V. Who will protect the Ukrainian song? // Mirror of the week. 2003. No. 4. P. 31 - 34. [ in Ukrainian].

Levitas, F. Vadym Kryshchenko. Historical portrait of modernity // Ukrainian language and literature in schools of Ukraine. No. 6. 2019. P. 61-63. [ in Ukrainian].

Melnychuk, A. Viburnum bell. Holosiivsk journey with the poet by Vadim Kryshchenko [Text] / A. Melnychuk // Dnipro. - 2008. - No. 11-12. -Р. 126-132. [ in Ukrainian].

Mushketyk, Yu. The road to a song // Culture. - 1993. - November 12. [ in Ukrainian].

Pogulaylo, S. There is an eternal mystery of love [Text] / S. Pogulaylo // Woman. -2012. - No. 1. - P. 14-15. [ in Ukrainian].

Everything in the world is from love: the script of a literary and musical evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of V. Kryshchenko / author-compiler M.H. Maksymenko. Poltava, 2015. - 16 p. [ in Ukrainian].






Як цитувати

Майданюк, І., & Кавун, В. (2023). ТВОРЧА СПАДЩИНА ВАДИМА КРИЩЕНКА У КУЛЬТУРНО-МИСТЕЦЬКОМУ ПРОСТОРІ УКРАЇНИ. European Science, 2(sge21-02), 132–139. https://doi.org/10.30890/2709-2313.2023-21-02-018