


Ключові слова:

pharmacy education, distance learning, interactive methods


Higher pharmaceutical education is undergoing changes in accordance with the needs of the healthcare system and the requirements of international standards. The main goal of higher pharmaceutical education is to provide highly qualified training of pharma


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Pushkarova Y., Zaitseva G. (2022). Working program “Basics of chemical metrology”. Department of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Bogomolets National Medical University. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/177nklYDLKVMydih9t8ZqbtNxODINua5c

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Як цитувати

Пушкарьова, Я., Зайцева, Г., Болотнікова, А., Рева, Т., & Чхало, О. (2022). РОЗРОБКА ЕЛЕКТИВНИХ КУРСІВ ДЛЯ ІНОЗЕМНИХ СТУДЕНТІВ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНОГО ФАКУЛЬТЕТУ. European Science, 2(sge15-02), 49–60. https://doi.org/10.30890/2709-2313.2022-15-02-012